Third party ticket sharing.....
Please contact us to set up ticket sharing and include the following information:
- Please state that you give us permission to set up and provide access to the below-mentioned third party.
- Provide us with the third parties real name.
- Provide us with an active E-Mail address for the third party.
- The company or organization they are associated with. (If its for a landlord, please state this)
- We will provide the third party with their own account from which they can access your job tickets entirely.
- Details of the third party account will be provided to you (Our client) and you must then pass these details on to your third party.
- If there is more than one third party/organization, you will need to request us to set up an account for each individual party.
Please provide the relevant account details to your additional parties and also direct them to the below linked Guide which demonstrates how they log-in and use our system.
To view the guide CLICK HERE!